Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ujaani: Embrace Your Uniqueness

Women are often compared to rivers. Women are often compared to water. In our country women have been revered as goddesses for time immemorial. She is considered the embodiment of Shakti...She is the one who creates life and spreads happiness.Yet everyday we hear of violence directed towards women. Women are often discriminated at workplaces and even in their own houses. I as a woman believe that unity,awareness and determination can help us in protesting against violence, retaining our dignity and creating our own identity. Traditionally women are called water because it is believed that we will adapt ourselves to whatever vessel or rather circumstances we are kept in. Yes! we are water and we can adapt to changes but we will not bow our heads to circumstances. Water fosters life, water nourishes the green fields full of crops and the trees that bear fruits, water is necessary for sustaining life. Just like Water women also are crucial for our culture, society and for the existence of human race. So, the comparison is apt enough. Also remember that the water that fosters life can also rise in waves and demolish cities within hours. The literal meaning of 'Ujaani' is 'a stream against the flow'. Ujaani is all about searching your unique identity and embracing it. It is about being yourself and standing out without any shame or hesitation. Ujaani is about first changing your perception about yourself and then changing the world's perception about you. It is about making regular changes to your external and inner self. It is about giving yourself the much deserved importance. It is about learning something new everyday and taking care of yourself. We all are Ujaanis, we all are unique. Let's celebrate our individuality in every way possible. 

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